
~~The part of our brain that control our movement ~~

كَلَّا لَٮِٕن لَّمۡ يَنتَهِ لَنَسۡفَعَۢا بِٱلنَّاصِيَةِ (15) نَاصِيَةٍ۬ كَـٰذِبَةٍ خَاطِئَةٍ۬ (16 

Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock― (15)
A lying sinful forelock! (16) --- Al-Alaq

The phrase "A lying sinful forelock" in the paragraph above is really interesting.
Research conducted in recent years reveal that
the prefrontal, which set the functions of specific brain, is located on the front of the skull bones.
The scientists are only able to find the function of this section during the period of 60 years, whereas the Qur'an has said it from 1400 years ago.
If we see the bones in the skull, on the front of the head, we will find
the frontal cerebrum (cerebrum).

Book entitled Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, which contains the findings of recent research on the function of this section, states:
Encouragement and desire to plan and launch a movement going on in the front lobby frontal and prefrontal parts. This is the association korteks--...
Seeley, Rod R.; Trent D. Stephens; and Philip Tate, 1996, Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 2nd edition, St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book Inc., S. 211; Noback , Charles R.; NL Strominger; and RJ Demarest, 1991, The Human Nervous System, Introduction and Review, 4th edition, Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, s. 410-411)

The book also says:

In regard to the involvement in a stimulus, prefrontal areas are also believed as the function center of our behavior... (Seeley, Rod R.; Trent D. Stephens; and Philip Tate, 1996, Essentials of Anatomy & Pheysiology, 2nd edition, St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book Inc., s. 211)

So, the cerebrum is also tasked to plan, provide encouragement, and to start good and bad behavior, and responsible for the word of truth and falsehood.

It is clear that the phrase "
A lying sinful forelock" actually refers to the description above. The facts that can only be known scientists for 60 years, God has stated in the Koran since about 1400 years ago.

Comments (8)

Salam aleikom wr wb

Lire le livre de la création, l'Univers, sous la lumière du livre révélé, le saint Coran !! N'est ce pas ce que vous essayez de faire ? En tout cas, je trouve intéressant ce que vous faites et je vous souhaite une très bonne continuation !

Fi amani Allah wa Hifdih


Waalaykuim salam wb mon frère Muadz

Oui,c'est ça ce que j'essaye de faire.. =)
Merci Muadz pour votre souhaite..et moi aussi,je vous souhaite une très bonne continuation..

~~Ô vous qui croyez! si vous faites triompher (la cause d’) Allah, Il vous fera triompher et raffermira vos pas~~ (Sorah Muhammad-verse 7)

jazakallah khair...

salam aleikom wr wb

Say this, may interrest you :

Fi amani Allah

waaleykom salam wb

yes,i knew about this site already,
this site is also one of my site for the reference..


By the way,your blog is also interesting for me =)

Salam aleikom wwr wb

Thanx for reply and for compliment about my modest blog...

I m waiting your next article =)

Fi amani Allah

NB : J'apprécie beaucoup le chant religieux que tu as mis en background, il s'agit de quel groupe ?

waaleykom salam wb

You are welcome mon frère.. =)

Pour le nasheed,laquelle vouliez-vous dire?
le premier?
si c'est le premier..le chanteur est zain bikha..et le titre est Selawat.

vous pouvez chercher son nasheed à youtube..
pour ce nasheed,voici le lien


jzkk =)

I hope that I m not bothering you by my comments... I want just share with you a very interesting work, in "Al I'Ajaz", of a a great scholar, well known in the Arab world : Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar.

look her site : www.elnaggarzr.com (there is an english and french version)


NB : merci pour l'info concernant le nasheed...

no..you're not bothering me..
ne vous inquitez pas..

oui,c'est vraiment interessant..
je ne savais pas l'existence ce blog avant..

NB: thanks a lot for supporting me..if you have any article interesting about science and al quran to share..je l'acceptrai avec plasir pour le mettre dans ce blog.. =)
